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Saturday, August 24, 2013

By the river

So me and my beautiful boyfriend decided to take some photos of us by the river near his place!
The lighting was good.
Setting was perfect.
We are beautiful :)
I didn't edit the photos because "I think the best photos are those not edited" (Magnum Chin, 2013) 
Plus i'm kinda lazy to edit them hehehe!
But nevertheless have a great day!

*I like to balance out my outfit every time so i don't look "overweight" or "underweight" with materials on me. When i'm wearing something long on top (jacket, jumper, long sleeve t-shirt), I like to wear something short under (skater skirt, shorts).


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hints of different colours at different places with the same person.

Knitted sweater with leather shorts.
Fuchsia ballerina flats paired with fuchsia Longchamp bag. 
The weather here in Perth is always unstable, I always had trouble figuring what to wear!
One minute it's raining and the next the sun is out greeting you.
Took some wonderful photos at Oggies ice-cream factory and the Houghton Cafe museum.
I wish I spent more time at the Swan Valley!
Will definitely visit the next time!

Photography credit goes to my boyfriend.
